I have been flying R/C aircraft
for over 40 years. At first I flew gliders
and my inspiration at the time was
seeing a
hanging in the local hobby shop.
Since then I've been in and out of gliders
and electrics and 3D stuff. I've built
several scratch builds and wish I had more
time to do more of that sort of thing.
Foam and Fusion
is another of my building tip sites for
foamie aircraft.
I was heavily into
FPV and aerial
photography over 10 years ago. Back then
there were no GoPro's so we recorded our
scratchy downlink video but still managed to
take some pretty
good quality photos using the just emerging
compact digital cameras.
Obviously a lot has changed just in the last
5 years, let alone 10 years. My interest is now multi-copters
and FPV for aeerial video and photography.
I do not sell
anything on my site and because of that I
feel I can bring an un-bias report or review
to you if I'm not being given freebies from
the manufacturer.
I hope you find this site
Folsom, CA |